Organization & Commettee





The Cyprus Association of Civil Engineers (CYACE / ΣΠΟΛΜΗΚ) was founded in 1992, has currently 2000 members and it is the professional organisation of the Civil Engineers in Cyprus. It is the official representative of Cypriot Civil Engineers in Cypriot, European and International Organisations. 

 The main objectives of the Association are:

  • Protection and safeguarding of the profession of Civil Engineering and professional rights.
  • Information on matters concerning Civil Engineers and the Construction Sector.
  • Training and lifelong learning of Civil Engineers.
  • Strengthening the role of the Civil Engineer.
  • Promotion and development of Civil Engineering Science in Cyprus.


​The activities of the Association include active participation in the Technical and Scientific Chamber of Cyprus which is the institutional body regulating all the engineering profession, in other various organizations and committees in Cyprus as well as in Europe and international organizations, organization of training programs, international conferences organization of educational visits at construction sites and other activities for its members as well as other professionals in the construction industry.

In the framework of the aims and objectives, CYACE is active, during its 30 years of history, providing its members the opportunity to participate in conferences, seminars, workshops and presentations. Moreover, the Members are continuously informed about current issues concerning the field of Civil Engineers and the Construction Sector through the Social Networks of the Association as well as the electronic Newsletter. The Association’s presence is also strong through interventions to the Authorities and press releases in the media.


On the occasion of the 30 years since the foundation of CYACE, the following videos concerning the action of the Association were prepared.

Also, on the CYACE’s YouTube channel other videos are available regarding CYACE’s activities

Our action history

Our action history on a glance



The Berufsgenossenschaften (BGs) – the German institutions for statutory accident insurance and prevention – are a part of the German social security system. Their statutory tasks include:

  • prevention of occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards; 
  • restoration of health and working capacity (rehabilitation/participation); 
  • financial compensation (for example in the form of pensions). 

These services provide employees with comprehensive protection and a high standard of social security. 


Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft – BG BAU is one of the non-profit statutory accident insurance and prevention institutions, and is responsible for occupational safety and health in the building and construction industry. It is a corporation under public law and the supervision lies with the state. 

BG BAU is financed entirely by contributions made by the employers in the construction industry and provides a comprehensive service: Prevention • Rehabilitation • Accident insurance.

BG BAU assumes responsibility for financial security of workers following workplace and commuting accidents and in cases of occupational disease. 

In order to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases and work-related health hazards from arising in the first place BG BAU promotes safe and healthy working practices. Activities such as workplace inspections, improvement of working equipment through involvement in research, standardisation, testing and certification, specific training and consulting services, and preventive medical examinations all contribute to making working conditions safe. The principle of our work is: Prevention before Compensation.

Should, despite all care taken to ensure safety and health, an accident or occupational disease occur, medical treatment and rehabilitation measures will be ensured, or a pension may be paid to the insured person. The principle followed by BG BAU is: Rehabilitation before pensions. 

ISSA Section on Prevention in the Construction Industry

The International Social Security Association (ISSA) ( is the world’s leading international organization for social security institutions, government departments and agencies. It was founded in 1927 under the auspices of the International Labour Organization (ILO), and today unites over 320 member institutions from over 160 countries. The ISSA promotes excellence in social security administration through professional guidelines, expert knowledge, services, and support to enable its members to develop dynamic social security systems and policy throughout the world.

The ISSA includes 13 different Technical Committees, among these the Special Commission on Prevention. The Special Commission on Prevention is composed of 14 international sections on prevention. One of these sections is the International Section of the ISSA Section on Prevention in the Construction Industry (abbr. ISSA Construction).

ISSA Construction was founded in 1968 and its aim is to reduce the number of accidents and occupational diseases on construction sites worldwide. The section currently consists of 26 members (occupational safety and health organizations, research institutions, etc.) from 20 different countries.

To achieve the aim of preventing accidents and occupational diseases on construction sites, ISSA Construction identifies and disseminates information on good practice and promotes the Vision Zero approach (

The section’s activities include the organization of technical meetings, expert discussions, and international symposia. It supports research activities, promotes international networking, and places a special focus on supporting small and medium enterprises (SME’s). It carries out projects and activities to promote health, safety and well-being in construction.

More information on ISSA Construction can be found under the following link:


International Safety and Health Construction Coordinators Organization

Committee Members

Evangelitsa Tsoulofta
President of Cyprus Civil Engineers Association
Organizer – Coordinator

Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel
President ISSA Construction
Co-Organizer – President ISSA Construction

Petra Jackisch
General Secretary ISSA-C
Head of Division, BG BAU, Germany

Costas Marangos
Civil Engineer
BSc (Eng) MSc DiC CEng MICE Civil Engineer

Dr. Floros Panteli
Civil Engineer, Health & Safety Consultant

Marios Philippou
HSE Manager, MEng. Civil & Environmental Engineer

Christiana Kaizer
Civil Engineer, MSc

Christos Hadjittofis 
Project Manager, MEng, MSc, MAPM

Christos Habides
Health and Safety Officer / BEng Civil Engineering / MSc Transport Engineering and Planning

Georgios Nicolaou
Civil Engineer, BSc

George Demetriou

Efi Kalli
BEng Civil and Structural Engineer, GMICE

Petros Kkolas

Andreas Constantinides

Georgia Savva

Georgios Tzortzakis
Civil Infrastructure Engineer

Yiannos Zavou

Filio Lympoura
Msc Civil Engineer