Early bird discount will end on 8 May 2023
Registrations will be closed on 15 May 2023
Languages: Greek and English with simultaneous translation
Keynote Speakers
Dr. Reinhard Obermaier
Keynote Speaker | Title “Respect Human Rights. The Role of Safety and Health Coordinators”
Dr. Pete Kines
Keynote Speaker | Title “Evidence-based safety interventions for the prevention of accidents at work – multidisciplinary approaches”
Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel
Keynote Speaker | Title “Everyone has a role to play – Knowledge transfer about the hazards of building materials to achieve Vision Zero”
Mr. Martin Sonnberger
Speaker | Session 1: Focus on People | Title “How to handle language problems on sites”
Mrs. Sabine Herbst
Speaker | Session 1: Focus on People | Title “Error Culture – basis for successful digitalisation”
Dr. Ehi Iden
Speaker | Session 1: Focus on People | Title “Wellbeing in African Construction Industry”
Prof. Dr Manfred Helmus
Speaker | Session 1: Focus on People | Title “Modern construction site management”
Mr. Neophytos Yiannakou
Speaker | Session 1: Focus on People | Title “Mental Health and Wellbeing – Application in the Construction Industry”
Dr. Pete Kines
Speaker | Session 2: Leadership | Title “Leading indicators for safety, health and wellbeing at work in construction – Focus on people”
Mrs. Aphrodite Psara
Speaker | Session 2: Leadership | Title “Making Construction a “Great Place to Work””
Mr. Jakob Kort
Speaker | Session 2: Leadership | Title “Connecting the dots between data and prevention: How a databased Leadership-Culture supports the goals of Vision Zero”
Mrs. Sisse Malene Frydendal Grøn
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “Relations between construction projects tendering and occupational health and safety outcomes“
Prof. Alfredo Soeiro
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “Safety in Design – The Role of the Designers”
Mr. Andreas Brandner
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “Risk Assessment and work in steep dangerous environment – The role of Engineers and Contractors”
Mr. Fernando de Almeida Santos
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “The economic analysis of safety risks in construction”
Mr. Ricardo Reis
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “The economic analysis of safety risks in construction”
Dr. sc. ETH Mark Füllemann
Speaker | Session 3: Everyone has a role to play | Title “Contractor Safety on Construction Sites ”
Petra Jackisch
Moderator | Session 1: Focus on People
Sven Timm
Moderator | Session 2: Leadership