Session 3: Everyone has a role to play
Title: “Risk Assessment and work in steep dangerous environment – The role of Engineers and Contractors”
Due to climate change natural hazards such as rockfall and slope slide endanger more and more the existing infrastructure and are an issue when building new.
A thorough risk assessment by qualified and experienced engineers, who know also the working methods and possibilities, is essential and has to be at the beginning of every project. Examples are used in the lecture to show what a risk assessment can look like.
In the presentation, the necessary physical requirements of the workers as well as the necessary training framework and further education measures are discussed and practical examples are used to show what options are available.
It will become clear that the requirements for projects of this kind are very complex and differ significantly from the usual infrastructure or building construction projects. Therefore the specialty contractors need highly qualified workers.
To fulfil the demand of human rights for a save place to live, to use infrastructure but even more important for a save working place all participants have their role to play – the engineer making the risk assessment, the contractor who has to take care of his workers, and both of them have the responsibility for the users.