Mr. Fernando de Almeida Santos
FORMATION - Civil Engineer, Senior Member and Specialist in Safety at Work of Construction, by Ordem dos Engenheiros (Portuguese Engineers Association); - Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Minho (UM), in 1991; - MBA - Master in Management Construction and Estate Patrimony from University of Minho (UM), Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and Catholic University (2000); - Specialization in Safety at Work of Construction, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), 2001; - Post-Graduation in PADE – Program of High Business Management (AESE Business School, Lisbon) 2009. PROFESSIONAL PATH - High Technician at the construction company ENGIL, between 1991 and 2000, with different functions over the years, namely Planning, Cost Control, Insurance, Construction Management, Training Management and at the Construction Safety Department; - Founder and CEO of TABIQUE, a Civil Engineering services company - Project Management, Supervision, Safety and Environment Coordination (more than 50 engineers and in large constructions), with headquarters and main business in Portugal and strong international presence; - Invited professor in Construction Management courses at UM, IC-FEUP and FUNDECIST, between 2003 and 2010, and in the Master in Integrated Environment, Quality and Safety Management at IPCA, between 2009 and 2018. PROFESSIONAL PATH AT THE PORTUGUESE ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION (ORDEM DOS ENGENHEIROS – OEP) - OEP’s President (Bastonário) for the 2022-2025 mandate period; - OEP’s Vice-President (2016-2022); - President of OEP’s North Region (2010-2016) and Secretary (2004-2010); - District Delegate (2001-2004) and Deputy Delegate (1997-2001) of OEP’s Braga District Delegation.

Session 3: Everyone has a role to play
Title: “The economic analysis of safety risks in construction”


The goal of this study is to analyze the safety hazards associated with a single construction project and the corresponding economic impacts of risk management and safety. A plan was produced for the project’s building construction’s safety as a consequence of the coordination of systems and harmonization of work between the Project Leader, Safety Co-ordinator, and Contractor.

The Building Construction project is a simulation that is being built in Portugal on a 30,000 m2 area.

The management policy on Prevention, Hygiene and Safety is ensured by the following bodies with respective collaborations:
– General Safety Committee / Prevention and Safety Officer
– Coordination of on-site safety / General Safety Committee (from the point of view of Project Leader / Safety Co-ordinator).

The risk assessment is conducted in a simulated setting and integrated into the work schedule task by task. This provides a history of risk assessment throughout the project. The simulation enables the identification of danger peaks, which will then generate more suggestions for preventative action. These risk-reduction strategies will result in a curve on the risk chart by lowering risk. These include both integrated working safety policy execution and on-site safety measures. We should be conscious that risk can be diminished but is challenging to completely eradicate.
Although the deployment of preventative systems and workplace safety standards comes at a cost, we hope to demonstrate that safety is more cost-effective than a lack of it by attributing prices to risks.