Title “Everyone has a role to play – Knowledge transfer about the hazards of building materials to achieve Vision Zero”
Training for building materials typically involves the teaching of technical skills and knowledge related to construction materials, their properties, and usage. This type of training may cover a range of building materials like wood, cement, bricks, tiles, metals, and plastics.
The training may include topics such as:
1. Material identification and classification
2. Properties and characteristics of different building materials
3. Proper handling, storage, and disposal of building materials
4. Safety measures while working with building materials
5. Measuring and cutting techniques for different materials
6. Installation and assembly of building materials
7. Maintenance and repair of building materials and structures
Training for building materials may also involve hands-on experience, allowing trainees to practice their skills and gain practical experience in working with different building materials. Additionally, vocational training may incorporate theoretical knowledge, such as design principles and research methods, to develop a comprehensive understanding of building materials and their applications.
Appropriate training is on the one hand part of Vision Zero but also on the other hand a human right to avoid accidents and occupational diseases.
The presentation will give an overview about some international solutions.