Petra Jackisch
Petra Jackisch is an interpreter and translator by profession. She has worked in the field of prevention at BG BAU (the German Social Accident Institution in the Construction Industry) for more than 30 years. She has been responsible for different areas, starting with standardization of Personal Protective Equipment, organizing European and international events and taking the lead in various projects with international partners. She is the vice-Chair of the German Expert Committee on the use of PPE, and she chairs the European standardization committee CEN/TC 160 for PPE against falls from a height as well as various working groups. She currently leads the team of international affairs in the department of DGUV cooperation activities at BG BAU, and takes care of, e.g., the organization of international conferences and projects, and the coordination of cooperation with international partners, e.g., in India In addition, she has been the Secretary General of the International Section of the ISSA (International Social Security Association) on Prevention in the Construction Sector for 5 years now,