
Friday | 26.05.2023

13:00 – 14:00 Registration | Cocktail | Light Lunch

Exhibition of Equipment and Services | Photographic Exhibition titled «People on Construction Sites»

14:00 - 14:30 | Welcome Speeches | Room: Ledra Ballroom
  • Yiannis Panayiotou | Minister of Labour and Social Insurance Cyprus
  • Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel | President of ISSA-C
  • Petra Jackisch | Representative of BG BAU
  • Andreas Brandner | President of ECCE
  • Dr. Reinhard Obermaier | President of ISHCCO
  • Constantinos Constanti | President of ΕΤΕΚ
  • Evangelitsa Tsoulofta | President of CYACE
    14:30 – 15:30 Keynote Speeches | Room: Ledra Ballroom

    Respect Human Rights. The Role of Safety and Health Coordinators

    Dr. Reinhard Obermaier | President of ISHCCO

    Evidence-based safety interventions for the prevention of accidents at work - multidisciplinary approaches

    Dr. Pete Kines | Senior Researcher, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark

    Everyone has a role to play - Knowledge transfer about the hazards of building materials to achieve Vision Zero

    Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel | President of ISSA-C

    15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break | Exhibitions
    16:00 – 17:30 Session 1: «Focus on People» | Room: Ledra Ballroom

    Moderator: Petra Jackisch | Co-Moderator: Christos Habides

    How to handle language problems on sites
    Martin Sonnberger | HSE Manager PORR, Austria

    Error Culture – basis for successful digitalisation
    Sabine Herbst | Deputy Manager of section “Co-operation”, DGUV, Germany

    Wellbeing in Construction Industry
    Dr. Ehi Iden | President OSH Africa, Nigeria

    Modern construction site management
    Prof. Manfred Helmuς | University of Wuppertal, Germany

    Mental Health and Wellbeing – Application in the Construction Industry
    Neophytos Yiannakou | Project Manager, Ramboll, Cyprus

    Questions Discussion

    17:30 – 18:00 Coffee Break | Exhibitions
    18:00 – 19:15 Session 2 «Leadership» | Room: Ledra Ballroom

    Moderator: Dr. Sven Timm | Co-moderator: Costas Marangos

    Leading Indicators for safety, health and wellbeing at work in construction – Focus on people
    Dr. Pete Kines | Senior Researcher, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark

    Leadership and investing in people
    Dr. Oliver Polanz | Head of Health, Safety, Environmental Protection & QM, SPIE Germany & Central Europe

    Connecting the dots between data and prevention: How a databased Leadership-Culture supports the goals of Vision Zero
    Jakob Kort | Co-Head Digital Transformation & Corporate Development, BG BAU, Germany

    Making Construction a “Great Place to Work”
    Aphrodite Psara | CEO, N. Psaras Construction Co. Ltd


    Saturday | 27.05.2023

    08:30 - 09:00 | Welcome Coffee

    Exhibition of Equipment and Services | Photographic Exhibition titled «People on Construction Sites»

    09:00 – 10:30 Session 3 «Everyone has a role to play» | Room: Ledra Ballroom

    Moderator: Dr. Floros Panteli | Co-moderator: Marios Philippou

    Relations between construction projects tendering and occupational health and safety outcomes Sisse Malene Frydendal Grøn | Senior Researcher, National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark

    Safety in Design – The Role of the Designers
    Prof. Alfredo Soeiro | Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal

    Risk Assessment and work in steep dangerous environment – The role of Engineers and Contractors
    Andreas Brandner | President of ECCE, Austria

    The economic analysis of safety risks in construction using BIM
    Fernando de Almeida Santos & Mr Ricardo Reis | Ordem dos Engenheiros, Lisboa, Portugal

    Contractor Safety on Construction Sites 
    Dr. sc. ETH Mark Füllemann | Founder Practice & Experience, Switzerland

    Questions – Discussion

    10:30 - 11:00 | Coffee Break - Networking - Exhibition
    11:00 - 12:30 | 3 Parallel Workshops

    WG 1: Focus on People

    Moderators: Sisse Malene Frydendal Grøn | Jakob Kort

    Co-Moderators: George Demetriou | Christos Hadjittofis | Georgios Nicolaou

    WG 2: Leadership

    Moderators: Dr. Pete Kines | Prof. Manfred Helmuς

    Co-Moderators: Costas Marangos | Marios Philippou

    WG 3: Everyone has a role to play

    Moderators: Petra Jackisch | Dr. Reinhard Obermaier

    Co-Moderators: Dr. Floros Panteli | Christiana Kaizer

    WG 4: Fall Restraint Measures VS Fall Arrest Measures

    Moderators: Mountain Sports & Rescue

    12:30 – 13:30 Light Lunch Break | Exhibitions
    13:30 – 14:30 Closing of the Conference | Room: Ledra Ballroom

    Moderators: Prof. Karl-Heinz Noetel | Evangelitsa Tsoulofta

    • Awards ceremony for Photographic Competition titled «People on Construction Sites»
    • Presentation of Workshops Results
    • Final Discussion
    • Certificates and Gifts


    Early bird discount will end on 8 May 2023
    Registrations will be closed on 15 May 2023

    Languages: Greek and English with simultaneous translation