Session 2: Leadership
Title: “Connecting the dots between data and prevention: How a databased Leadership-Culture supports the goals of Vision Zero”
Technological innovation is advancing, as is data proliferation and the pace at which new services based on the analysis of these data pools are being developed.
This opens up new business and service opportunities for enterprises and public organizations all around the globe, as the Boston Consulting Group highlights. And has implications for a new, databased leadership-culture.
The same challenges and potentials are applicable when it comes to the question of how data analysis can help to strengthen healthcare and especially prevention services for the sake of better working environments.
According to the title of the conference “Respect human rights, everyone has a role to play”, the presentation will answer the question, how the insights of data will play an important role in the coming years in protecting human rights. Especially in re-shaping a databased leadership-culture and enhancing working conditions alongside a sustainable supply chain.
Germany and especially the German social insurance organizations have a strong record of success in collecting, analyzing and processing data. Additionally, Germany started several years ago to connect the dots between a strong data base and the design of new digital prevention services to shape the future of safe and healthy working environments.
Thereby, the presentation will show some examples of innovative, data-driven prevention services, which mostly have been implemented by BG BAU or other players of the German healthcare-sector:
- “My BG BAU”: Our platform approach to make our services available 24/7 from all over the world
- Artificial Intelligence to avoid accidents on the construction side and strengthen prevention services
- The “Digital Construction Side” and new approaches of databased E-Learnings
- Digital Health Care App´s like Instahelp as an innovative German approach of digital, preventive medicine products
The presentation will be supplemented by some international best practices in connecting the dots between data and prevention, for example the design and implementation of a prevention app to enhance working conditions and covid prevention in Bangladesh.
The presentation will end with a vision for a new, databased leadership-culture and a connected vision of an interoperable, platform-based German health-care system with a strong focus on databased prevention services.