Session 1: Focus on People | Title “How to handle language problems on sites”
Shortages of skilled workers, partly due to the lack of attractiveness of the sector, repeatedly lead to challenges in project execution.
Colleagues from many nations work together to complete the buildings on time. Due to the many languages involved, communication problems occur in the daily business. However, communication problems are not only due to language, but can also be caused by functional illiteracy or noise-induced hearing loss. Particularly in the case of instruction, insufficient understanding can lead to serious health consequences.
The preparation of documents, training content, documents is an essential part of making the construction site safer. Instruction is to be understood as work instruction, so that our construction workers come home safely in the evening.
For this reason, there is intensive cooperation with experts. These provide support in preparing training content in a way that is suitable for the brain. They compare the
differences between graphics, drawn figures or real people, as well as the effects of symbols used. In the brain scan at the University Hospital Salzburg, the blood flow in the different brain regions is measured. The results are always impressive.